Find the right doctor for your health issue

BetterDoc offers personalized and independent support to help you find specialists in your area. This way, you can find the right doctor for a second opinion, treatment, or surgery.

Patientin Ärztin Interaktion

Your health insurance

Free of cost

and non-binding

94 %

recommend us

> 100.000

patients supported

Navigating the healthcare system

Feeling lost and unsure?
Many patients share this experience

An illness can be overwhelming and finding the right doctor can be challenging. Are you confused by the multitude of doctors online? Unsure who can best help you? You’re not alone: A survey by the Bertelsmann Foundation shows that two-thirds of patients feel poorly informed about doctors and clinics. Studies also indicate that treatment success is significantly influenced by the choice of doctor. Our experience with over 100,000 patients confirms this:

Half of all

planned surgeries are unnecessary and avoidable.

One in three

diagnoses is corrected by a specialist.

2 out of 3

therapy plans are changed by the specialist.

Your way to the right doctor

Choosing the right doctor is crucial, but finding reliable information about the quality of doctors and clinics is difficult. The solution: BetterDoc. We provide independent, transparent information about suitable specialists for your specific situation, helping you make an informed decision for your health.

For conservative treatments

Regain your quality of life

Whether it's joint pain and everyday discomfort, serious illnesses like cancer, or other complex or rare conditions, getting an accurate diagnosis and the right treatment plan is essential for effective care. Are you unsure if a recommended therapy is suitable? Do you feel misunderstood? Has no treatment been successful so far? We research suitable doctors for you and support you until improvement is in sight.

Before surgical interventions

Consider operations carefully

Some surgeries are unavoidable, others unnecessary: A surgical intervention can be very stressful for many patients. In such situations, it is often beneficial to consult a highly qualified doctor for an independent second opinion. Is surgery medically necessary in your situation? We help you find a clinic with excellent references. Our research is based on quality data and your personal needs.

Operation Beratung Arzt Patientin
Quick and easy

Step by step
to the right doctor

Non-binding Inquiry

Simply give us a call and fill out a questionnaire to describe your health situation and your concern.

Patientin sitzt am Computer, Patient steht und telefoniert.
Personal Conversation

We analyze your information and get back to you if we have any questions. If you wish, you can also speak with a doctor or medical advisor.

Patientin telefoniert mit einem Arzt
Individual Doctor Search

Our medical team researches suitable doctors and clinics based on your individual criteria and needs – within 48 hours.

Ärzte und medizinische Berater sitzen am Tisch und diskutieren
Written information

You will receive an objective and transparent overview of suitable doctors. We are happy to discuss the search results with you personally.

Patientin sitzt am Computer und liest eine E-Mail mit einem Suchergebnis
Optional Appointment Scheduling

If you decide on one of the doctors or clinics, we can arrange an appointment for you. We are always by your side in case of questions.

Patientin und Arzt schütteln die Hände
Long-term Support

We accompany you until you are optimally cared for. Your feedback is crucial and helps other patients in their search for a doctor.

Patientin gibt positives Feedback zu ihrem Arztbesuch

More than 100,000 patients have already found
the right doctor with us

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209 reviews
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94 %recommend us
May 2024
Support like I've never experienced before
The BetterDoc team took care of me until the appointment was scheduled. It was very positive and something I've never experienced before. I can only recommend turning to BetterDoc for a doctor search.
Iren Sappler
7 reviews written
March 2024
Free service, surgery avoided
Surprisingly good service – for free! It helped me a lot to find the right doctor. I was able to avoid surgery because of it.
Tom Fuchs
32 reviews written
November 2023
Neutral and helpful contact
The contact was smooth, punctual, and helpful. Expressed wishes were considered and suggestions were given. It's good to have such a neutral point of contact when you're unsure.
Elfi Holländer
2 review written
February 2024
Best informed for own doctor choice
I was perfectly provided with information by BetterDoc and have now found excellent doctors in Berlin for both my back issues and dental care. Thank you!
Lutz Weber
1 review written
December 2023
Objective, competent help
I was given alternatives and options. The neutral perspective helped me. The telephone consultation was competent and factual.
Joachim Schmitz
2 review written
June 2023
Quick and thorough doctor search
The staff informed me excellently. My concern was handled quickly but also thoroughly. Through BetterDoc, I quickly found a competent and good doctor.
Beverly Fritsch
1 review written
May 2023
Always in touch and well advised
I feel really well advised. You are not left alone with your problems. You're always in touch. I'm really very, very satisfied. All telephone conversations were uplifting.
Margitta Mlcoch
455 reviews written
All patient testimonials were independently published by the authors. The reviews were translated from German for your convenience.

Dr. med. Donata von Dellingshausen

Founder & Medical Director of BetterDoc

Porträtfoto Donata von Dellingshausen
BetterDoc – developed by doctors

The right medical care – for every patient

As a doctor, I have seen firsthand in many clinics: The choice of the right doctor greatly influences the treatment and course of an illness. However, for patients, information about the quality of doctors and clinics is often difficult to access and not verifiable.

To support patients in this situation and enable them to make an informed choice of doctor with objective and transparent information, BetterDoc was founded in 2012 as a family business. Today, we work with around 50 health insurance.

Read more

> 200

employees, including doctors, data analysts, and IT experts

> 50

cooperations with health insurance companies & insurers

> 12

years of experience since our founding in 2012

How we find the right doctor for you

The building blocks of the doctor search
for objective and neutral information

The key to a successful specialist search for individual health concerns lies in our medical expertise and a comprehensive database. We cover all regions, specialties, and complex diseases by combining quality data on all doctors and clinics operating in Germany.

Qualifications & Certificates

The starting point of our research is the areas of focus, qualifications, and certificates of doctors and clinics. In addition, we record publications and engagements in professional societies.

Voluntary support
from 2,500 leading doctors

BetterDoc has its own expert advisory board of 2,500 leading doctors from more than 400 specialties. For complex and very rare diseases, they support us with their expertise and experience on a voluntary basis in researching specialists and clinics. This way, we find the exact right doctor for you.

customer support better doc
Questions and answers

Do you have questions about our free service?

You can find the answers here.

In your personal consultation, you have enough time to ask all important medical questions.

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Monday to Friday 9 am – 5 pm

You use BetterDoc free of charge (Participation Requirements).

The offer to use BetterDoc GmbH (BetterDoc) free of charge is exclusively for users who are insured with DAK-Gesundheit. The costs for BetterDoc's service are covered by DAK-Gesundheit. The cost coverage can be confirmed through your health insurance number. This offer is valid until further notice.

If BetterDoc is asked to obtain a second medical opinion from a cooperating doctor or to arrange an appointment at a clinic/practice, the customer agrees to waive medical confidentiality for these purposes. This offer remains valid until revoked.

We are your contact for all medical specialties.

Whether for back and joint issues, serious heart and cancer conditions, or other health problems – BetterDoc is your contact for all medical specialties. We find individually suitable doctors for effective treatment, an independent second opinion, or an upcoming surgery. For very rare and highly complex conditions, we even have access to our independent expert advisory board for research. The board consists of 2,500 leading doctors from all medical fields. If needed, these experts support us with their expertise and experience on a voluntary basis in our research.

You will receive transparent information about doctors specifically suitable for you.

The goal of BetterDoc is to support patients in finding individually suitable doctors and clinics. For this purpose, we continuously compile publicly available information and quality data on all doctors and clinics licensed in Germany and match them with your personal requirements. As a result of our service, we present this information to you in a transparent, clear, and understandable manner. The information includes the doctors and clinics that are suitable for your individual health situation, enabling you to make an informed decision about a doctor.

BetterDoc acts completely independently and is only committed to the patients.

Independence is very important for our work. There are no contractual obligations to doctors and clinics, and therefore no financial incentives for BetterDoc to preferentially list certain contacts in the information provided. Likewise, collaborations with insurance companies and employers do not influence our research. We act solely in the interest of the patient and rely on objective quality criteria and experience.

Your data is guaranteed to be secure.

We place the highest importance on the secure processing and storage of data. All sensitive data is encrypted. Our security standards are TÜV-certified. DAK-Gesundheit does not receive any health data from the request at BetterDoc.

As part of the invoice verification process, BetterDoc only reports personal data (name, date of birth, address, insurance number) of the insured to DAK-Gesundheit. DAK-Gesundheit checks the accuracy of the data and confirms the eligibility for participation to BetterDoc.

Additionally, BetterDoc is subject to medical confidentiality and does not share health data with third parties.

Your data is also safe with BetterDoc.

This was confirmed by TÜV Saarland during the last system audit. We are GDPR-compliant. Additionally, BetterDoc is subject to medical confidentiality and does not share health data with third parties.

Start your inquiry now and find the right specialist

Conveniently describe your concern and receive:

  • Transparent information about individually suitable doctors and clinics
  • A contact person by your side who takes you seriously
  • Support with appointment scheduling if desired
  • plus

    Free of cost

    through your health insurance
  • plus


    committed only to you
  • plus


    tailored to your concern